Stop whining about Street View!!!
I am already sick to the back teeth of listening about how Google’s new Street View pictures invade privacy. You, as a citizen of the UK, live in THE CCTV capital of the world! There are more CCTV cameras per 1000 people than ANY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD yet you find the “invasion of privacy” by Google’s Street View application hard to swallow?!?
ARGH! Are you aware of the National Identity card scheme in the UK? Did you know the government want to merge all databases in use to make them MORE accessible to civil servants? Did we or they some how forget that the government and its departments are utterly CLUELESS about handling sensitive data? Do you really want the government to know EXACTLY what you do when you are both inside and outside your house? Are we really FREE any more?
If like me you aren’t happy about the National ID Card then for god sake go turn on your computer, find out who your local MP is and TELL HIM/HER you’re angry that your civil liberties are disappearing on a daily basis but stop moaning about Google Street View! You’ve already been caught on 40 or more CCTV cameras today just going about your business. Are you complaining to the owners of those cameras that your privacy is being invaded?!
For god sake, stop sitting back and waiting for it to to happen! Think of the poem First they came… or it will happen and it WILL be too late to do anything about it.