Category: Scripting

PowerShell .NET and GUI Interfaces

PowerShell .NET and GUI Interfaces

I’ve been grabbing a bit of software from Technet (you know, that thing that Microsoft are shutting down! <_<) and with their download links, they provide SHA1 hashes of the ISOs. I had a...

TIP: List members of a group

TIP: List members of a group

To list all members of a known group in human readable form (without the DN) from Active Directory: dsget group “CN=MyGroup,OU=MyGroupOU,DC=domain,DC=com” -members | dsget user -fn -ln > MyGroup.txt OR to just get their...

Convert GET to POST with jQuery

Convert GET to POST with jQuery

A bit of code to convert GET values obtained from a clicked link in to a POST and send it as a post using jQuery.

If you generate href values in your code...

Batch scripting is not dead

Batch scripting is not dead

There’s still a little place in my heart for a decent batch script. This morsel prompts the user to enter a new computer name and then, using NETDOM, it renames the computer on the...

Use netsh to set a static IP

Use netsh to set a static IP

Since I often seem to forget the correct syntax for setting a static IP address using netsh, I’ve decided to blog it then I know where to come to remind myself!

And when...