trance track as an image

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2 Responses

  1. LJR says:

    Well it proved a bit of a pain in the butt to actually get it working as a “signature” on’s forums but I finally managed it. With etn’s forum, if it doesn’t see an image request as any one of png, jpg, jpeg, gif etc then it just wraps the link you give it and forgets about it.

    In order to overcome this I had to install IIS_Rewrite which I downloaded from

    With the addition of a simple enough rule to the httpd.ini:
    RewriteRule /etnplay\.png /etnplay.php

    I was able to trick etn’s forum into believing it was an actual PNG image and display it. Funny what you can do these days innit?

  2. Tricks says:

    Heya dude, wonderful lookin script you got going here at the moment, im really interested in trying to use this on a site rather than a forum, just wondering how i might go about doing that?

    If you could email me at all or add me to msn (email is my msn) so we could talk about it that would be great!

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Rich. aka Tricks

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