Monthly Archive: February 2006

Active Directory: Find Inactive Computer Accounts

Active Directory: Find Inactive Computer Accounts

Here’s a little script I wrote recently to find computer accounts that have been inactive (unused) for more than 60 days and are still resident in Active Directory. The computers are searched for throughout...

A trip to Whitby

A trip to Whitby

I took a trip to Whitby over the weekend with my girlfriend. We wanted to get out, see the sights, grab some Fish & Chips and well, just be British for the day. As soon...

Upgrade :)

Upgrade :)

I’ve completed the move to WordPress 2.01, everything looks good so I’m happy with that but I’m not 100% happy with the response times being exhibited by the site. It used to be rapid...

Offer Remote Assistance in Windows XP Professional

Offer Remote Assistance in Windows XP Professional

I’ve spent a few hours this morning investigating Remote Assistance in Windows XP Professional. At first glance it looks like a potential VNC killer for the enterprise. Unfortunately, if you don’t look closely enough you’ll quickly dismiss it…

MySQL 5 & my blog

MySQL 5 & my blog

It seems that my recent upgrade to MySQL 5 has caused me to miss a couple of replies to posts due to having “strict” mode enabled. I have now fixed the problem and you...