Fascism here we come!
Listen, I’m sorry, no seriously I am. It was never my intention for this blog to turn in to a soap box for me to bore you all to tears with my conspiracy theories and reports of other Government led initiatives that purport to be good for the public. Again, I’m sorry, if you’d rather I just shut the hell up and got on with talking about stuff I’m actually interested in then please, feel free to comment and let me know your thoughts.
My reason for this apology is because I feel that I must respond to the latest Government bullshit to come dribbling out of the Home Office:
 Council staff, charity workers and doctors could be required by law to tip off police about anyone they believe could commit a violent crime.
I see, so that’s everyone then? All Human Beings are capable of committing a violent crime. ALL OF THEM. Let me introduce you to a word…
Fascism -Â Anti-individualistic, the fascist conception of life stresses the importance of the State and accepts the individual only insofar as his interests coincide with those of the State, which stands for the conscience and the universal will of man as a historic entity.
Each and every day I hear more and more about the Government allowing laws through that remove our freedoms. We no longer live in a free society. We no longer are allowed to think for ourselves.
This country is marching firmly towards fascism and nobody seems to have noticed.
The “War on Terror” seems to have re-invented itself as the “War on Freedom” and we, the free are losing it because we are blissfully unaware of it. Write to your MP, your Council, anyone that will listen. Great Britain is no longer Great.
Mr. Blair, your Labour government has done more damage to the freedoms of the population of the United Kingdom than any terrorist organisation I care to mention. You and your Government’s approach to making the United Kingdom “a safer place” has resulted in a climate of fear and I hereby accuse YOU and your Government of being a terrorist organisation.