Rebuilt PC
Intel Core2 Duo E4300, 2GB 533MHZ DDR2, Asus Commando, Sapphire X1950XT 256MB PCIE, 250GB SATA, 250GB PATA, SoundBlaster Audigy 2, Antec Neo HE 550W, Antec Sonata II ATX Case, Noctua and Antec Fans.
me, on scripting, trance and other subjects i enjoy
Intel Core2 Duo E4300, 2GB 533MHZ DDR2, Asus Commando, Sapphire X1950XT 256MB PCIE, 250GB SATA, 250GB PATA, SoundBlaster Audigy 2, Antec Neo HE 550W, Antec Sonata II ATX Case, Noctua and Antec Fans.