Set language, culture and timezone using PowerShell

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4 Responses

  1. Bo says:

    Thanks – this really helped me a lot when trying to localize vm in Azure Dev Test labs ! 🙂


  2. Fergus says:

    Hey Lewis, thanks for this.
    Are there any compatibility issues between Windows 2008/2012/2016?
    It’s not clear from your initial para, but it sounds like you may be using this as a workaround for 2008 servers… is there an easier/better way to do it on later Windows versions?

  3. omar says:

    the xml in the example is for “en-GB”, if I need to change in another language what should I change in xml ?

  4. Anders says:

    Thank you for all this information.

    When I was trying this with a Windows Server 2019 oddly I had to run the script twice in order for it to take the settings.

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