Category: General

Fedora 10 – Being geeky

Fedora 10 – Being geeky

I’ve been running my own mail server for quite some time now and also hosting some apps and what not from a Windows Server 2003 box gathering dust in my basement. Recently I decided...

Logic 1 – UK Government (Stasi) 14

Logic 1 – UK Government (Stasi) 14

It’s a small win but hopefully has significant ramifications for the ID card and DNA databases that our democratically elected government believes will stop all crime and keep all terrorists in check (they wish)....

New toys :) Samsung NC-10!

New toys :) Samsung NC-10!

About a month ago a colleague was looking in to buying a netbook. I’d been toying with the idea of a portable computer for a long while and ummed and ahh’d about a new...

A new hobby…

A new hobby…

About nine months ago now I walked in to Jessops in Cambridge and decided to buy myself a decent camera. I’d always had an interest in photography but never really given myself the equipment...

SATA drives have jumpers?!

SATA drives have jumpers?!

Ok, now forgive me for being a little slow on the uptake but since when have SATA drives had jumpers? A few months back I bought a couple of Seagate Barracuda 500GB drives –...

Headlines change to reflect share price…

Headlines change to reflect share price…

Is it just me or have I seen the headlines of the BBC’s coverage of the share price change four times today to reflect the rollercoaster ride in the share price? It’s farcical!

Nail, head.

Nail, head.

No one is disputing that smoking constitutes a health risk. But a society that gets into more of a strop over fictional characters puffing on pipes, cigars and cigarette holders than people blasting each...

nVidia Forceware 175.16 RDPDD.DLL error

nVidia Forceware 175.16 RDPDD.DLL error

I recently install Windows XP Service Pack 3 on my system and, while tinkering decided to have a go at using Remote Desktop. Upon trying to connect the RDP connection dialog simply tried to...