Nokia PC Suite 6.7 – The operation could not be completed irritation.

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8 Responses

  1. Stephen Teo says:

    Thank you Thank You Thank YOu!!!!!!! You are a life saver!! Fixed the bug to a T. I love the internet

  2. daniel says:

    thank you..tried to fix that for months…

  3. adam says:

    cheers m8 thats been pissin me off 4 ages. unistalled and reinstalled pc suite about 10 time didnt work thoe. but that did the trick

  4. geoffm says:

    Well !I gave up on nokia suite when orange told me it wont work with 6680 because it’s simbian software is not supported….well done

  5. cYruS says:

    Thank You Very Very Much…..Life saver instead….got this mp3 i really love and enjoy listening recently…now dat i can transfer 2 my 6680 and listen 2 it day and night ^^

  6. Herr Peter says:

    Thank you thank you and thank you. I can’t say anything else.

  7. Parag says:

    Hi I cannot run the Regsvr32.exe %Windir%\System32\Ole32.dll command as I do that some other error pops up. I am using Vista on a 32bit system. Let me also know if something can be done for that.

  8. Lewis says:

    Hi Parag, I’m afraid I’ve never installed PC Suite 6.7 on Windows Vista but I imagine the commands are very similar! Do you know that Nokia have since released PC Suite 7?

    Grab that from


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