WDS: Add Driver Packages to Image wizard fails
When you attempt to add driver packages to a boot image using the Windows Deployment Service MMC which fails to complete or the process hangs, you’re left with a mounted version of your WIM image buried deep somewhere in your WDS server.
The default mount location of the offending images is %TEMP%, or usually:
Inside this folder will be the mount location folder, often ~$WDSMGMT.00[n] where [n] is a number.
In order to discard the mounted WIM, use the following command:
dism /unmount-wim /mountdir:C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Temp\1\~$WDSMGMT.000 /discard
Upon doing so, ensure you have closed all Explorer windows or you may receive the following error.
Error: 0xc1420117
The directory could not be completely unmounted. This is usually due
to applications that still have files opened within the mount directory.
Close these files and unmount again to complete the unmount process.
If you have closed all open Explorer windows and you are still receiving the error, open Regedit and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\WIMMount\Mounted Images
and delete any subkeys there.
If all else fails, a reboot of your WDS box may be necessary to terminate any processes that might still be hanging on to the folder. Once you have rebooted, re-check and delete any sub-keys in the registry before again attempting to unmount and discard the image.
Can confrim that when WDS failes to inject a driver this is what happens and the images are left mounted in your appdata\local\ 🙁
Another way to unmount the images is to use the imagex tool that comes with Windows AIK. However the latest version of this is around 1.7GB and not all of us want to download that on a 2meg line. If WDS is not injecting the directs for you WAIK is an option and if your drivers are unsigned you can use a /force command to inject them.